Numerical Optimization
7. Numerical Optimization¶
A mathematical optimization problem consists of maximizing or minimizing a real valued function under a set of constraints. We shall assume \(\VV\) to denote a finite dimensional real vector space. Typical examples of \(\VV\) are \(\RR^n\) and \(\SS^n\).
Formally, we express a mathematical optimization problem as:
\(\bx \in \VV\) is the optimization variable of the problem.
\(f_0 : \VV \to \RR\) is the objective function.
The functions \(f_i : \VV \to \RR, \; i=1,\dots, m\) are the (inequality) constraint functions.
The (real scalar) constants \(b_1, \dots, b_m\) are the limits for the inequality constraints.
A vector \(\bx \in \VV\) is called feasible if it belongs to the domains of \(f_0, f_1, \dots, f_m\) and satisfies all the constraints.
A vector \(\bx^*\) is called optimal if is feasible and has the smallest objective value; i.e. for any feasible \(\bz\), we have \(f_0(\bz)\geq f_0(\bx^*)\).
An optimal vector is also called a solution to the optimization problem.
An optimization problem is called infeasible if there is no feasible vector. i.e. there is no vector \(\bx \in \VV\) which satisfies the inequality constraints.
An infeasible problem doesn’t have a solution.
A feasible problem may not have a solution if the objective function is unbounded below. i.e. for every feasible \(\bx\), there exists another feasible \(\bz\) such that \(f_0(\bz) < f_0(\bx)\).
If a feasible problem is not unbounded below, then it may have one or more solutions.