3.7. CompletenessΒΆ
The material in this section is primarily based on [2, 23].
Recall from Sequences that in a Cauchy sequence, the points become increasingly closure to each other. We showed that every convergent sequence is a Cauchy sequence. However not every Cauchy sequence is a convergent sequence in a general metric space. This is an important issue to be examined in this section. There are metric spaces where every Cauchy sequence is also convergent. Such metric spaces are known as complete metric spaces.
In the remainder of this section,
3.7.1. Complete Metric SpacesΒΆ
Definition 3.46 (Complete metric space)
A metric space
In other words,
Example 3.19 (Complete metric spaces)
with the standard metric is complete.The Euclidean space
, with the standard Euclidean metric ( distance), is complete.
Example 3.20 (The metric space of bounded functions)
for any
Since both
is nonnegative as it is the supremum of nonnegative numbers. . Also, if then . Thus, .By definition:
.For the triangle inequality, we proceed as follows:
. For each , we have:Now, taking the supremum on the L.H.S. over all
, we get:
Next, we establish that
be a Cauchy sequence of .Thus, for every
, there exists such that for all .In particular, note that, by definition,
for every .Thus, for any
, for all .Thus,
is a Cauchy sequence of real numbers at each .Since,
is complete, hence converges at each .We define a new function
as for each .Since
for all , hence for all and all .Thus,
for all .Thus, since
is bounded, hence is also bounded.Thus,
for all , hence, taking the supremum on the L.H.S., .Since
for all , hence .Thus, every Cauchy sequence in
converges in .Thus,
is a complete metric space.
3.7.2. Closed SubsetsΒΆ
Theorem 3.58
Proof. Let
be a Cauchy sequence of .Then,
is a Cauchy sequence of (since ).Thus,
is convergent, since is complete.Let
is closed and of is convergent, hence due to Theorem 3.33.Thus, every Cauchy sequence of
converges in .Thus,
is complete.
be a closure point of .By Theorem 3.31, there is a sequence
of that converges to , i.e., .Since
converges in , hence is a Cauchy sequence of due to Proposition 3.19.But then,
is a Cauchy sequence of .Since,
is complete, hence converges in .Thus,
contains all its closure points. is closed.
Recall that the diameter of a set is defined to be the supremum of distances between all pairs of points of the set.
Theorem 3.59
Then the intersection
This result is due to G. Cantor. A similar result was seen in nested interval property for real line.
Proof. Define:
We shall first prove that
.But then,
implies that .But,
as is a metric (Identity of indiscernibles).Thus, if
, then .Thus,
contains at most one point.
We now show that
For each
choose . It is possible due to axiom of choice.Since
, hence holds for every .Thus,
is a Cauchy sequence of .Since
is complete, is convergent.Hence, the limit
exists and .Since
for all , hence is a closure point of for each (Theorem 3.31).But since
is closed, hence for each .Thus,
3.7.3. Nowhere Dense SetsΒΆ
Definition 3.47 (Nowhere dense/Rare)
A subset
It is also called a rare set.
Theorem 3.60
Example 3.21
The set of integers
Corollary 3.1
If a set is open and dense, then its complement is rare (nowhere dense).
Proof. Let
is closed.Thus,
is dense, hence must be nowhere dense due to Theorem 3.60.
Theorem 3.61
The complement of a rare (nowhere dense) set is dense.
Proof. Let
The interior of its closure is empty.
Thus, its closure
contains no open sets.Thus,
contains no open sets.Thus, every open set in
intersects with .Thus,
is dense.
Proposition 3.20
The subset of a rare (nowhere dense) set is rare.
Proof. Let
Proposition 3.21
The boundary of a closed set is nowhere dense (rare).
Proof. Let
has a nonempty interior.Let
be an interior point of .Since
, hence is an interior point of .But boundary of
doesnβt includes its interior points.Hence, a contradiction.
has an empty interior.Finally
= \interior \boundary A = \EmptySet \boundary A$ is closed.Thus,
is rare.
3.7.4. Cantor SetΒΆ
Definition 3.48 (Cantor set)
Cantor set
into .Remove the middle open interval
and form .Note that
is a disjoint union of closed intervals.Trisect each closed interval of
and remove the middle open interval from each one of the trisections in an identical manner.Let
.Note that
is a union of disjoint closed intervals each of length .Inductively build
from using this procedure.Note that
is a union of disjoint closed intervals of length each.When
is constructed from , we get disjoint intervals of length each.Clearly
by construction for all .Define the Cantor set as:
We next discuss different properties of the Cantor set.
Property 3.1 (Characterization in ternary expansions)
Consider the set
Proof. In the ternary (base 3), representation, each number
such that
For example
It is possible that a number has two different ternary expansions.
We can see that
has two different ternary representations.
One is a finite representation, and the other
is an infinite representation involving only 0s and 2s.
We say that
We have to prove two things:
. Every number in which has a ternary expansion containing only 0s and 2s belongs to . . Every number in has a ternary expansion containing only of 0s and 2s.
Note that if
is the first closed interval drawn from in . is the second closed interval drawn from in .
with .Start with
, then let be the first closed interval drawn from : contained in .Otherwise, if
, then let the second closed interval drawn from : contained in .
, then let be the first closed interval drawn from contained in .Otherwise (if
), then let be the second closed interval drawn from contained in .
Inductively, we can keep picking closed interval
contained in for every digit in the ternary expansion of .Thus,
For every
, we can construct a ternary expansion as follows.If
, then .Otherwise if
, then .Subsequently, whenever the first closed interval is chosen, then
and whenever the second closed interval is chosen, then .Thus,
has a ternary expansion consisting entirely of 0s and 2s.Thus,
Property 3.2
Cantor set doesnβt contain any open interval.
Proof. Note that the total length of disjoint closed intervals in
Assume that there is an open interval
.Then, the length of the interval is
.But then there exists an
such that .Then, for all
, cannot be contained in .We arrive at a contradiction.
Property 3.3
Cantor set has an empty interior.
Proof. Assume
Then there is a neighborhood
doesnβt contain any open intervals.We arrive at a contradiction.
Property 3.4
Cantor set is a closed nowhere dense subset of
Property 3.5
The total length of the removed intervals from
Proof. At the n-th step, we remove
Thus, total length removed in n-th step is
Thus, total length removed is:
Property 3.6
Cantor set is uncountable. In particular:
Recall that
Proof. Recall that two sets are called equivalent
Recall from Property 3.1 that:
Thus, each
can be identified with a sequence given by .Thus, we have a bijective mapping between
and the set .Thus,
.This, in turn can be identified with a sequence
where with if and if .This gives us a bijective mapping between
and .Recall that
with (Theorem 1.17).Thus
3.7.5. Meager SetsΒΆ
Definition 3.49 (Meager set)
A union of countably many rare (nowhere dense) sets is said to be of first category or a meager set.
In other words, a subset
Definition 3.50 (Co-meager set)
The complement of a meager set is called co-meager.
Definition 3.51 (Non-meager set)
A subset that is not meager is said to be non-meager or of second category.
Example 3.22
Consider the metric space
Singleton sets are rare (nowhere dense) in
as they are closed and their interior is empty.The set of natural numbers
is rare since it is closed and its interior is empty (no open intervals in ).The set
is not rare since its closure is entire . It is meager since it is a countable union of rare singleton sets.The set of irrational numbers
is co-meager as .The set
is non-meager.
Theorem 3.62
The subset of a meager set is meager.
Proof. Let
But then
Since subset of a nowhere dense set is nowhere dense,
is meager (as it is a countable union of nowhere dense sets).
Theorem 3.63
The union of countably many meager sets is meager.
Proof. Recall from Theorem 1.10 that countable union of countable sets is countable.
be a countable collection of meager sets.Then, each
is a countable union of rare sets.Write
as .Thus,
The family
is countable.Thus,
is a countable union of rare sets.Thus,
is meager.
Corollary 3.2
Since co-meager sets are complements of meager sets:
Superset of a co-meager set is co-meager.
Countable intersection of co-meager sets is co-meager.
3.7.6. Baire Category TheoremΒΆ
Theorem 3.64 (Baire category theorem)
A (nonempty) complete metric space is non-meager in itself.
In other words:
A (nonempty) complete metric space is not a countable union of rare sets.
Proof. Our proof strategy is following:
For contradiction, we assume that
is meager with .We form a Cauchy sequence from points
is complete, we claim its convergence .We further show that the limit point
cannot belong to any .
Let us assume that
Recall from Theorem 3.60 that
is a nonempty open set.Thus, there exists an interior point
in with an open ball where we can make . is nonempty, open and dense. Thus, is nonempty and open.Thus, we can choose
such that with .Proceeding inductively in this manner, we obtain a sequence
such thatWe have
. with .By definition,
for every .Thus,
for every .Since
, hence .Thus,
as .Thus,
is a Cauchy sequence.Since
is complete, hence every Cauchy sequence is convergent.Thus there exists
such that . To which does belong then?Fix some
. For every we have:Thus taking the limit
leading to , we getHence
for all .Since
, hence for all .But then
since . A contradiction.Hence,
must be non-meager.
Theorem 3.65
Proof. If every
Hence, at least one
Proposition 3.22
The set of irrational numbers is non-meager.
Proof. Recall that
is complete. Hence is non-meager. is meager as it is a countable union of singletons which are rare sets.Countable union of meager sets is meager.
Thus, if
was meager, then would be meager which is not true.Hence,
must be non-meager.
Theorem 3.66 (Interior of a meager set)
A meager set has an empty interior in a complete metric space.
Proof. Let
such that
be an arbitrary nonempty open set in .There exists
such that where . is dense and open so is nonempty and open.We can choose a point
where .Proceeding in this manner, we choose points
to form a sequence
.The sequence
is Cauchy, is complete, hence exists in .Also,
for all .In particular
and .Thus,
for all .Thus,
has a nonempty intersection with .Since
is arbitrary, hence intersects with every nonempty open set in .Thus,
is dense in (Theorem 3.23).Thus,
has an empty interior (Theorem 3.24).
Corollary 3.3
If a set in a complete metric space has a non-empty interior, then it is not meager.
Example 3.23
The set
is meager in . is complete.The interior of
in is empty.The closure of
is .Thus, while a meager set may have an empty interior, its closure need not have an empty interior. This is different from rare sets whose closure has an empty interior.
by itself is not a complete metric space.Singletons are rare sets in
is meager in as it is a countable union of rare sets.However, the interior of
is not empty. In fact it is whole of .Theorem 3.66 does not apply since
is not a complete metric space.
Theorem 3.67
The set
Proof. We prove this using Baire category theorem.
is a complete metric space with the standard metric.Assume
to be countable.Then,
is an enumeration of .The singleton set
is rare in .Then
being a countable union of rare sets would be meager.But Baire category theorem says that a complete metric space is non-meager.
We have a contradiction.
must be uncountable.
3.7.7. Baire SpacesΒΆ
Definition 3.52 (Baire space)
A metric space is called a Baire space if every nonempty open set is not a meager set.
Theorem 3.68
Every complete metric space is a Baire space.
Proof. Let
Theorem 3.69 (Characterization of Baire space)
For a metric space
is a Baire space.Every countable intersection of open dense sets is also dense.
and each is a closed set, then the open set is dense.
Proof. (1)
is a Baire space.Let
be a sequence of open dense sets in .Let
. We need to show that is dense.We will show that
has a nonempty intersection with every nonempty open set of . Thus, claim that is dense due to Theorem 3.23.Let
be an arbitrary nonempty open set.Assume, for contradiction that
Due to Corollary 3.1,
are rare.Due to Proposition 3.20,
are rare.Thus,
being a countable union of rare sets, is meager.But, in a Baire space, every nonempty open set is not meager.
We have a contradiction.
must be nonempty.Thus,
has a nonempty intersection with every nonempty open set in .Thus,
is dense in .
We assume that every countable intersection of open dense sets is dense.
be a sequence of closed sets in satisfying .Let
and let . By definition, is open.Since
is closed, hence is its boundary.Due to Proposition 3.21,
is rare.Thus, the set
is a meager set.Since
is closed and rare, hence is open and dense (Theorem 3.61).By our hypothesis (2), the set
is also a dense set as it is a countable intersection of open dense sets
.Now, notice that:
implies .Since
is dense, hence is also dense.
be a nonempty open set. Assume to be meager.Then
is a countable union of rare sets:where
are rare, thus .We can write
as:The last expression is correct since
.In this form,
is a countable union of closed sets.By our hypothesis (3), the open set:
is dense in
. Here, we used the fact that are rare.Since
, hence is also dense in .In particular
since a dense set has a nonempty intersection with every nonempty open set (Theorem 3.23).But this is impossible since
cannot be not a meager set.We have established that any nonempty open
is not a meager set.Hence,
is a Baire space.
3.7.8. CompletionΒΆ
Theorem 3.70
Proof. If a sequence
.There exists a sequence
of such that .Consider the sequence
of .Choose
is uniformly continuous on , hence there exists such that whenever .Since
is convergent and hence Cauchy, we can pick such that for all .Thus,
for all .Thus,
is a Cauchy sequence of .Since
is complete, hence every sequence converges.Thus, there is a limit
For any sequence
Assume that
where and are two different sequences converging to .Let
and . We claim that .Consider the sequence
defined as and .It is easy to show that
converges to .Then,
exists in .If a sequence converges, then all its subsequences converge to the same limit.
is independent of the choice of sequence as long as .
We define a function
We next establish that
.We can choose
such that whenever for any .Now let,
satisfying .Let
and be convergent sequences of with and .Then
due to Theorem 3.34.Since
, we can pick such that for all .But since
and is uniformly continuous, we have, for all .Since
and are convergent sequences of , hence again due to Theorem 3.34.Thus,
is uniformly continuous on .
Definition 3.53 (Completion of a metric space)
If we think of
Theorem 3.71
Any two completions of a metric space are isometric.
Proof. Let
Then there are isometries
and with . is an isometry with and . is an isometry with and .Then,
is an isometry from to with and . is dense in . Hence . is uniformly continuous (since it is an isometry). is complete.Then, due to Theorem 3.70, there exists a uniformly continuous extension
of to all of .
We have established that
We next show that
and and .There is a sequence
of such that .There is a sequence
of such that .Let
and .Let
and .We have
and .Since
is an isometry, hence .Since
is an isometry, hence .Thus,
.Taking limits, we get
is an isometry.Since it is an isometry, hence it is injective.
We next show that
.There exists a sequence
such that .There exists
such that .Let
and .Then,
.Then, since
is uniformly continuous, \implies .Thus, for every
, there exists such that .Thus,
is surjective.
Together since
Remark 3.10
Proof. Let Z =
Now define
Theorem 3.72
Every metric space has a unique (up to an isometry) completion.
Proof. We prove this theorem by constructing a metric space which is a completion of a given metric space.
be a metric space.Fix an element
.Now, for every
, we introduce a function defined as:Note that
.From the triangular inequality we have:
Thus, for a given
and fixed , the parametrized function is bounded by .Thus,
, the space of bounded functions from to .We established in Example 3.20 that the metric space
is a complete metric space.
We next show that the mapping
Now for some
At the same time:
We have already established in
Theorem 3.71 that
any two completions of
3.7.9. IsometriesΒΆ
Theorem 3.73 (Isometries preserve closed sets)
Proof. 1. Let
.Recall that an isometric is injective.
for some for every .Since
is convergent, hence is Cauchy.Now, for any
is isometric.Thus,
is a Cauchy sequence of .Since
is complete, hence every Cauchy sequence converges.Let
is closed, hence .By continuity of
, we have .Thus,
.Thus, every convergent sequence of
converges in .Thus,
is closed.