Matrices I
4.1. Matrices I¶
This section provides some basic definitions, notation and results on the theory of matrices.
4.1.1. Basic Definitions¶
Definition 4.1 (Matrix)
An \(m \times n\) matrix \(\bA\) is a rectangular array of numbers.
The numbers in a matrix are called its elements.
The matrix consists of \(m\) rows and \(n\) columns. The entry in \(i\)-th row and \(j\)-th column is referred with the notation \(a_{i j}\).
If all the elements of a matrix are real, then we call it a real matrix.
If any of the elements of the matrix is complex, then we call it a complex matrix.
A matrix is often written in short as \(\bA = (a_{ij})\).
Matrices are denoted by bold capital letters \(\bA\), \(\bB\) etc.. They can be rectangular with \(m\) rows and \(n\) columns. Their elements or entries are referred to with small letters \(a_{i j}\), \(b_{i j}\) etc. where \(i\) denotes the \(i\)-th row of matrix and \(j\) denotes the \(j\)-th column of matrix.
Definition 4.2 (The set of matrices)
The set of all real matrices of shape \(m \times n\) is denoted by \(\RR^{m \times n}\).
The set of all complex matrices of shape \(m \times n\) is denoted by \(\CC^{m \times n}\).
Definition 4.3 (Square matrix)
An \(m \times n\) matrix is called square matrix if \(m = n\).
Definition 4.4 (Tall matrix)
An \(m \times n\) matrix is called tall matrix if \(m > n\) i.e. the number of rows is greater than columns.
Definition 4.5 (Wide matrix)
An \(m \times n\) matrix is called wide matrix if \(m < n\) i.e. the number of columns is greater than rows.
Definition 4.6 (Vector)
A vector is an \(n\)-tuple of numbers written as:
If all the numbers are real, then it is called a real vector belonging to the set \(\RR^n\). If any of the numbers is complex, then it is called a complex vector belonging to the set \(\CC^n\). The numbers in a vector are called its components.
Sometimes, we may use a notation without commas.
Definition 4.7 (Column vector)
A matrix with shape \(m \times 1\) is called a column vector.
Definition 4.8 (Row vector)
A matrix with shape \(1 \times n\) is called a row vector.
It should be easy to see that \(\RR^{m \times 1}\) and \(\RR^m\) are same sets. Similarly, \(\RR^{1\times n}\) and \(\RR^n\) are same sets.
A row or column vector can easily be written as an \(n\)-tuple.
Definition 4.9 (Main diagonal)
Let \(\bA= [a_{i j}]\) be an \(m \times n\) matrix. The main diagonal consists of entries \(a_{i j}\) where \(i = j\); i.e., the main diagonal is \(\{a_{11}, a_{22}, \dots, a_{k k} \}\) where \(k = \min(m, n)\).
Main diagonal is also known as leading diagonal, major diagonal primary diagonal or principal diagonal.
The entries of \(\bA\) which are not on the main diagonal are known as off diagonal entries.
Definition 4.10 (Diagonal matrix)
A diagonal matrix is a matrix (usually a square matrix) whose entries outside the main diagonal are zero.
Whenever we refer to a diagonal matrix which is not square, we will use the term rectangular diagonal matrix.
A square diagonal matrix \(A\) is also written as \(\Diag(a_{11}, a_{22}, \dots, a_{n n})\) which lists only the diagonal (non-zero) entries in \(\bA\).
If not specified, the square matrices will be of size \(n \times n\) and rectangular matrices will be of size \(m \times n\). If not specified the vectors (column vectors) will be of size \(n \times 1\) and belong to either \(\RR^n\) or \(\CC^n\). Corresponding row vectors will be of size \(1 \times n\).
4.1.2. Matrix Operations¶
Definition 4.11 (Matrix addition)
Let \(\bA\) and \(\bB\) be two matrices with same shape \(m \times n\). Then, their addition is defined as:
Definition 4.12 (Scalar multiplication)
Let \(\bA\) be a matrix of shape \(m \times n\) and \(\lambda\) be a scalar. The product of the matrix \(\bA\) with the scalar \(\lambda\) is defined as:
Theorem 4.1 (Properties of matrix addition and scalar multiplication)
Let \(\bA, \bB, \bC\) be matrices of shape \(m \times n\). Let \(\lambda, \mu\) be scalars. Then:
Matrix addition is commutative: \(\bA + \bB = \bB + \bA\).
Matrix addition is associative: \(\bA + (\bB + \bC) = (\bA + \bB) + \bC\).
Addition in scalars distributes over scalar multiplication: \((\lambda + \mu)\bA = \lambda \bA + \mu \bA\).
Scalar multiplication distributes over addition of matrices: \(\lambda (\bA + \bB) = \lambda \bA + \lambda \bB\).
Multiplication in scalars commutes with scalar multiplication: \((\lambda \mu) \bA = \lambda (\mu \bA)\).
There exists a matrix with all elements being zero denoted by \(\ZERO\) such that \(\bA + \ZERO = \ZERO + \bA = \bA\).
Existence of additive inverse: \(\bA + (-1)\bA = \ZERO\).
Definition 4.13 (Matrix multiplication)
If \(\bA\) is an \(m \times n\) matrix and \(\bB\) is an \(n \times p\) matrix (thus, \(\bA\) has same number of columns as \(\bB\) has rows), then we define the product of \(\bA\) and \(\bB\) as:
This binary operation is known as matrix multiplication. The product matrix has the shape \(m \times p\). Its \(i,j\)-th element is \(\sum_{k=1}^n a_{ik} b_{kj}\) obtained by multiplying the \(i\)-th row of \(A\) with the \(j\)-th column of \(B\) element by element and then summing over them.
Theorem 4.2 (Properties of matrix multiplication)
Let \(\bA, \bB, \bC\) be matrices of appropriate shape.
Matrix multiplication is associative: \(\bA (\bB \bC) = (\bA \bB)\bC\).
Matrix multiplication distributes over matrix addition: \(\bA (\bB + \bC) = \bA \bB + \bA \bC\) and \((\bA + \bB) \bC = \bA \bC + \bB \bC\).
4.1.3. Transpose¶
The transpose of a matrix \(\bA\) is denoted by \(\bA^T\) while the Hermitian transpose is denoted by \(\bA^H\). For real matrices \(\bA^T = \bA^H\).
For statements which are valid both for real and complex matrices, sometimes we might say that matrices belong to \(\FF^{m \times n}\) while the scalars belong to the field \(\FF\) and vectors belong to \(\FF^n\) where \(\FF\) refers to either the field of real numbers or the field of complex numbers. Most results from matrix analysis are written only for \(\CC^{m \times n}\) while still being applicable for \(\RR^{m \times n}\).
Identity matrix for \(\FF^{n \times n}\) is denoted as \(\bI_n\) or simply \(\bI\) whenever the size is clear from context.
Sometimes we will write a matrix in terms of its column vectors. We will use the notation
indicating \(n\) columns.
When we write a matrix in terms of its row vectors, we will use the notation
indicating \(m\) rows with \(\ba_i\) being column vectors whose transposes form the rows of \(\bA\).
4.1.4. Symmetric Matrices¶
Definition 4.14 (Symmetric matrix)
A symmetric matrix is a matrix \(\bX \in \FF^{n \times n}\) which satisfies \(\bX = \bX^T\).
We define the set of symmetric \(n\times n\) matrices as
4.1.5. Dot Products¶
The inner product or dot product of two column / row vectors \(\bu\) and \(\bv\) belonging to \(\RR^n\) is defined as
The inner product or dot product of two column / row vectors \(\bu\) and \(\bv\) belonging to \(\CC^n\) is defined as
4.1.6. Block Matrices¶
Definition 4.15 (Block matrix)
A block matrix is a matrix whose entries themselves are matrices with following constraints
Entries in every row are matrices with same number of rows.
Entries in every column are matrices with same number of columns.
Let \(\bA\) be an \(m \times n\) block matrix. Then
where \(\bA_{i j}\) is a matrix with \(r_i\) rows and \(c_j\) columns.
A block matrix is also known as a partitioned matrix.
Example 4.1 (\(2x2\) block matrices)
Quite frequently we will be using \(2x2\) block matrices.
An example
We have
\(\bP_{11}\) and \(\bP_{12}\) have \(2\) rows.
\(\bP_{21}\) and \(\bP_{22}\) have \(1\) row.
\(\bP_{11}\) and \(\bP_{21}\) have \(2\) columns.
\(\bP_{12}\) and \(\bP_{22}\) have \(1\) column.
Lemma 4.1 (Shape of a block matrix)
Let \(\bA = [\bA_{ij}]\) be an \(m \times n\) block matrix with \(\bA_{ij}\) being an \(r_i \times c_j\) matrix. Then \(\bA\) is an \(r \times c\) matrix where
Sometimes it is convenient to think of a regular matrix as a block matrix whose entries are \(1 \times 1\) matrices themselves.
Definition 4.16 (Multiplication of block matrices)
Let \(\bA = [\bA_{ij}]\) be an \(m \times n\) block matrix with \(\bA_{ij}\) being a \(p_i \times q_j\) matrices. Let \(\bB = [\bB_{jk}]\) be an \(n \times p\) block matrix with \(\bB_{jk}\) being a \(q_j \times r_k\) matrices.
Then the two block matrices are compatible for multiplication and their multiplication is defined by \(\bC = \bA \bB = [\bC_{i k}]\) where
and \(\bC_{i k}\) is a \(p_i \times r_k\) matrix.
Definition 4.17 (Block diagonal matrix)
A block diagonal matrix is a block matrix whose off diagonal entries are zero matrices.