2.4. The Extended Real Line¶

Definition 2.40 (Extended real line)

The extended real number system or extended real line is obtained from the real number system \(\RR\) by adding two infinity elements \(+\infty\) and \(-\infty\), where the infinities are treated as actual numbers.

It is denoted as \(\ERL\) or \(\RR \cup \{-\infty, +\infty\}\).

The symbol \(+\infty\) is often written simply as \(\infty\).

In order to make \(\ERL\) a useful number system, we need to define the comparison and arithmetic rules of the new infinity symbols w.r.t. existing elements in \(\RR\) and between themselves.

2.4.1. Order¶

Definition 2.41 (Extended valued comparison rules)

We define the following rules of comparison between real numbers and infinities:

  • \( a < \infty \Forall a \in \RR\)

  • \( a > -\infty \Forall a \in \RR\)

  • \( -\infty < \infty \)

In other words \( -\infty < a < \infty \Forall a \in \RR\).

Following notations are useful:

  • \(\RR = (-\infty, \infty)\)

  • \(\RR \cup \{ \infty\} = (-\infty, \infty]\)

  • \(\RR \cup \{ -\infty\} = [-\infty, \infty)\)

  • \(\RR \cup \{ -\infty, \infty\} = [-\infty, \infty]\)

Definition 2.42 (Infimum and supremum in extended real line)

Let \(A\) be a subset of \(\RR\).

  • If \(A\) is bounded from below, then \(\inf A\) denotes its greatest lower bound.

  • If \(A\) is bounded from above, then \(\sup A\) denotes its least upper bound.

  • If \(A\) is not bounded from below, we write: \(\inf A = -\infty\).

  • If \(A\) is not bounded from above, we write: \(\sup A = \infty\).

  • For an empty set, we follow the convention as: \(\inf \EmptySet = \infty\) and \(\sup \EmptySet = -\infty\).

2.4.2. Arithmetic¶

Definition 2.43 (Extended valued arithmetic)

The arithmetic between real numbers and the infinite values is defined as below:

\[\begin{split} \begin{aligned} & a + \infty = \infty + a = \infty \quad (-\infty < a < \infty)\\ & a - \infty = -\infty + a = -\infty \quad (-\infty < a < \infty)\\ & a \times \infty = \infty \times a = \infty \quad (0 < a < \infty)\\ & a \times (-\infty) = (-\infty) \times a = -\infty \quad (0 < a < \infty)\\ & a \times \infty = \infty \times a = -\infty \quad (-\infty < a < 0)\\ & a \times (-\infty) = (-\infty) \times a = \infty \quad (-\infty < a < 0)\\ & \frac{a}{\pm \infty} = 0\quad (-\infty < a < \infty) \end{aligned} \end{split}\]

The arithmetic between infinities is defined as follows:

\[\begin{split} \begin{aligned} &\infty + \infty = \infty\\ &(-\infty) + (-\infty) = -\infty\\ &\infty \times \infty = \infty\\ &(-\infty) \times (-\infty) = \infty\\ &(-\infty) \times \infty = -\infty\\ &\infty \times (-\infty) = -\infty \end{aligned} \end{split}\]

Usually, multiplication of infinities with zero is left undefined. But for the purposes of mathematical analysis and optimization, it is useful to define as follows:

\[ 0 \times \infty = \infty \times 0 = 0 \times (-\infty) = (-\infty) \times 0 = 0. \]

2.4.3. Sequences, Series and Convergence¶

Definition 2.44 (Convergence to infinities)

A sequence \(\{ x_n\}\) of \(\RR\) converges to \(\infty\) if for every \(M > 0\), there exists \(n_0\) (depending on M) such that \(x_n > M\) for all \(n > n_0\).

We denote this by:

\[ \lim x_n = \infty. \]

A sequence \(\{ x_n\}\) of \(\RR\) converges to \(-\infty\) if for every \(M < 0\), there exists \(n_0\) (depending on M) such that \(x_n < M\) for all \(n > n_0\).

We denote this by:

\[ \lim x_n = -\infty. \]

We can reformulate Theorem 2.5 as:

Theorem 2.31 (Convergence of monotone sequences)

Every monotone sequence of real numbers converges to a number in \(\ERL\).

Proof. Let \(\{x_n\}\) be an increasing sequence. If it is bounded then by Theorem 2.5, it converges to a real number.

Assume it to be unbounded (from above). Then, for every \(M > 0\), there exists \(n_0\) (depending on M) such that \(x_n > M\) for all \(n > n_0\). Then, by Definition 2.44, it converges to \(\infty\).

Let \(\{x_n\}\) be a decreasing sequence. If it is bounded then by Theorem 2.5, it converges to a real number.

Assume it to be unbounded (from below). Then, for every \(M < 0\), there exists \(n_0\) (depending on M) such that \(x_n < M\) for all \(n > n_0\). Then, by Definition 2.44, it converges to \(-\infty\).

Thus, every monotone sequence either converges to a real number or it converges to one of the infinities.

Remark 2.13 (Infinite sums)

Consider a series \(\sum x_n\). If the sequence of partial sums converges to \(\infty\), we say that \(\sum x_n = \infty\) i.e. the sum of the series is infinite. Similarly, if the sequence of partial sums converges to \(-\infty\), we say that \(\sum x_n = -\infty\).

Remark 2.14

Every series of non-negative real numbers converges in \(\ERL\).

Proof. The sequence of partial sums is an increasing sequence. By Theorem 2.31, it converges either to a real number or to \(\infty\).