Convex Sets and Functions
8. Convex Sets and Functions¶
We will primarily be considered with functions of type \(\EE \to \VV\) where \(\EE\) and \(\VV\) are finite dimensional real inner product spaces.
Examples of inner product spaces:
Euclidean space \(\RR^n\)
Space of matrices \(\RR^{m \times n}\)
Space of symmetric matrices \(\SS^n\).
In particular, we will concern ourselves with real valued functions with signatures \(f: \VV \to \RR\) from an inner product space \(\VV\) to real line. Often, interesting functions are not defined over the entirety of \(\VV\). Their domain is a proper subset of \(\VV\). In such cases, it is very useful to extend such functions by assigning an infinity value to them at points outside their domain. Their extended value extensions \(\tilde{f} : \VV \to [-\infty, \infty]\) will play a crucial role in simplifying analysis. Real-valued functions are equipped with a total order in the codomain \(\RR\). Thus, it is possible to compare \(f(\bx)\) with \(f(\by)\) for some \(\bx, \by \in \VV\) to establish whether \(f(\bx) < f(\by)\) or \(f(\bx) = f(\by)\) or \(f(\bx) > f(\by)\). Real valued functions are naturally used to represent the cost functions in optimization problems where the goal is to minimize the cost. Or they can be value functions if the goal is to maximize some kind of value. A special class of these real valued functions are the convex functions. The epigraph of convex functions is a convex set. Their domain is also a convex set. Convex functions support a wonderful feature that any local minimizer is also a global minimizer.
Chapter objectives
Convex set definitions
Different types of convex sets
Properties of convex sets
Convexity preserving operations
Generalized inequalities on convex cones
Convex functions and their properties
Extended valued functions
Conjugate functions
Norms and dual norms
Strong convexity
Convexity preserving operations
Quasiconvex functions
Proximal mappings
Subgradient inequality
Subdifferential set
Subdifferential of indicator functions
Subgradient of the dual function
Subgradient of maximum eigen value function
Weak vs strong results
Properties of subdifferential set
nonemptiness of subdifferential sets implies convexity
convex functions may not be subdifferentiable at the boundary points
nonemptiness and boundedness of the subdifferentiable set at the interior points of the domain of a convex function
Subdifferentiability of real-valued convex functions
Boundedness of subgradients over compact sets
Nonemptiness of the subdifferential set at relative interior points
Unboundedness condition for subdifferential sets
Directional derivatives
Existence in the interior
Direction to directional derivative map
Connection between directional derivative and convex function value
Directional derivative of a maximum of functions
Directional derivative of a maximum of functions - convex case
Max formula connecting subgradients and directional derivatives
Max formula as support function
Differentiable functions
Uniqueness of the gradient
Directional derivatives at the point of differentiability
Directional derivative of maximum of differentiable functions
Gradient of the squared Euclidean distance to a convex set function
Related concepts
Normal cone
Supporting hyperplane theorem
Local Lipschitz continuity property
Relative interior
Nonemptiness of the relative interior
Orthogonal projection mapping (POCS)